I Heart BD Logo

We want to share all the reasons we ❤️️ BD

Community members and organizations are sharing all of the reasons they love Beaver Dam via photos, stories, and testimonials.
Tell us why you love BD!

I ❤️ BD Sponsors

Share with us! 🙌️

Have a reason you love Beaver Dam that you just can’t keep to yourself any longer? Let it out! There are three ways to share.

Social Media 📱

Post on social media and tell us why you love BD! Mention @IHeartBD on Facebook or use the hashtag #iheartbd on Instagram or Twitter to have your message included.

View all submissions

Photos 📷

Submit your photo by mentioning @IHeartBD on Facebook or by using the #iheartbd hashtag on Instagram. Alternatively, submit your photo via our form.

Submit a photo

Stories ✍️

Do you ❤️️ BD so much that you can’t limit your love to a couple short sentences? Submit a story via the same social media methods or by filling out our form. Stories can also contain images!

Submit a story

Interested in sponsoring? 😎️

Help us improve our community while gaining a little recognition for your business or organization! The revenue received from a sponsorship goes right back into the community and the I ❤️ ️ BD movement.

You will receive:

  1. A window cling to hang at your business or organization
  2. Your business or organization’s name on the I ❤️ ️ BD T-shirt
  3. Recognition on the website
Become a sponsor

Please contact us if you have any questions.